Bus Routes

621 Altamont Street | Muskogee, OK 74401 | Phone: 918-684-3730 | Fax: 918-684-3732 | Email Dispatcher
The Muskogee Public Schools Transportation Department strives to transport our students to and from school and activity trips in as safe and efficient a manner as possible to help provide an atmosphere to enhance the educational opportunities of all students.
Bus Rider Handbook
Bus Route Information
Bus route information is available online by logging into the the Tyler Technologies Trip Tracker.
Link to Bus Routes & Trip Tracker
Please note: To set up an account use your student's I.D. number for both the username and password. Passwords must be changed every 30 days for security purposes. If you are the parent of multiple children enrolled at MPS, all routes will be shown regardless of which student I.D. number you use to login to the system. If no route information is available, it is likely because your child lives within 0.5 miles of their school and no transportation is provided.
Transportation Staff
Garett Davis, Director
Jerome Jones, Dispatcher
Schools Closure Based On Weather
Decisions To Close Schools Based On Weather Events.
School Closure Based On Weather